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Labrador Breeders : Some Helpful Tips When Dealing With a Breeder.

By: Sharda Baker

Hi there,

Sharda Baker here.  

In this article, I would like to discuss Labrador Retriever breeders.

In particular we will discuss what specific questions you should be asking your breeder to help ensure you are purchasing a healthy Labrador that has been bred correctly.

Let's ge started then...


Being a dog breeder is not like being a doctor, lawyer or teacher; there are no set training or educational requirements to the job. Rather the health, temperament and adherence to breed standards or their animals are the measure by which a breeder is judged.

Most Labrador breeders have a genuine love for their animals, and breed them responsibly and in the best interests of the individual animals – as well as the breed as a whole. After all, breeders’ reputations are based on the ability of the puppies they sell to develop into champions of the Labrador breed.

 Unfortunately, as with most things, there are those who consider themselves breeders who are more interested in making money than raising dogs.

In order to get the Labrador  puppy that you want and to be satisfied with your  dog both now and in the future it is important to do some research on the breeder that you are considering.


Breeders that are concerned about advancing the breed, and who care for each of the puppies they have will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. They will, in fact, probably want to ask you several of their own before deciding if you are right for their puppy.

As the buyer you should consider getting the following information from the Labrador breeder:

Does the breeder have a contract to purchase that clearly outlines the guarantee of health and a return or refund policy?

Does the breeder know or has he/she worked with both the parents of the puppy?

Can the breeder provide a lineage chart for the puppy tracing back several generations?

Will the breeder let you see the other animals in the kennel and is the kennel clean, well maintained and animal friendly?

Are you allowed to see other adult Labrador  puppies that the breeder owns socialize together?

Does the breeder limit the amount that you handle the pups?

Does the local, state or national breed organization or club recognize the breeder?

How often does the breeder allow the female and male to breed and reproduce?

A good Labrador breeder will be concerned with the safety and health of the puppies, and will only allow serious buyers to handle the puppies. If you are just inquiring about the Labrador breed you may be able to see them from a distance and may be able to interact with the adult dogs. A breeder may also limit how long you are in the kennel with the puppies at any given time, even if you are a serious buyer.

We will look further into this important topic in later articles.

It cannot be emphasized enough the importance of doing some research before you invest in a Labrador Retriever  or in any pet for that matter!

Find yourself a  good Labrador book that covers all aspects of choosing, buying, training and caring for  a Labrador and learn as much as you can.

You then will stand a much greater chance of  being  rewarded with a happy healthy and well behaved  Labrador Retriever.

All the best.

Sharda Baker

Dedicated To Making All Of Your Dog Experiences Happy Ones.


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